Please tell us about ZN Studio and your product offering. Why did you decide to launch the business? What inspired you?
What are the core values of your business?
What’s distinctive about ZN Studio? What are some of its unique selling points/features?
How do your customers (or audience) benefit from the business? What does it enable them to do or experience?
Do your services help solve problems for your customers or community? If so, how do they do this?
How did the business get its name?
Do you have an established brand / business tagline?
Where do you ideally see the business in the next three, five, ten years?
What would you like ZN Studio to be known for?
How would you like the personality of your brand to make people feel?
How would you describe the brand personality right and how would you like to see it evolve?
Who or what has acted as inspiration for the business?
What attributes or emotions would you like associated with your business?
List three brand values you’d like to see associated with your business and why.
Are there other brands you align with that have similar values?
List three messages you’d like your brand to communicate to its audience and why.
Who is your customer and what do you know about them? What are their likes and dislikes?
What is the most important thing your target market wants from you? Why are they drawn to ZN Studio?
Where else are your customers clicking online? What products are they buying and from where? These may be local or international stores and marketplaces...
Are there any problems your customers may face when it comes to engaging with your brand? (Pain points and challenges).
Who is your dream client?
Try to include as many details as possible such as age, income, location, industry, values, media they consume, stores they visit, personality and lifestyle traits.
How does your target market typically find out about ZN Studio and your services?
What are the most important things your audience wants from ZN Studio?
Why are they drawn to the businesses? For services, for inspiration, for aesthetics, for an experience?
Who are ZN Studio's direct and indirect competitors? Do they embody similar personality traits to your business?
What can your brand say that no one else can say? What makes you special?
How would you describe your current Tone of Voice? What works, what's missing and what would you like to see changed?
When it comes to your current tone of voice, what sort of words or language do you use?
Are you loud and longwinded or quiet and reserved? Do you use straightforward language or speak in long, ornate sentences? Do you embrace or shy away from industry jargon?
How does your brand culture translate into your brand voice?
Please list 3 brands whose TOV you like and why.
Where possible, please include URLS of these brands.
If your business was a person, who would they be? What would they read, watch and listen to? Where would you find them on any given day?
Are there any watch-outs or pitfalls you want to avoid when it comes to the tone of the brand? This may include cliché’s, puns..
Are there any challenges or opportunities that we need to be aware of that we haven’t already explored?
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about the business, or last thoughts on establishing your purpose and new copy?